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Board Officers

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Terry Taylor | President

Call 850-261-0800

Send Terry Taylor a Message:

Jim Sutton | Vice President

Call 703-673-8529

Send Jim Sutton a Message:

Doug Kinzle | Treasurer

Call 909-894-6869

Send Doug Kinzle a Message:

Lisa Cichy | Secretary

Call 920-915-1358

Send Lisa Cichy a Message:

Jim Taylor | Beach Beautification Committee

Call 850-206-8614

Send Jim Taylor a Message:

Association Bylaws


The official address of the Navarre Beach Leaseholders and Residents Association shall be Post Office Box 5003; Navarre, Florida 32566.  The  registered agent is the Treasurer of the Organization.


The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the first day of January in each year and shall end on the last day of December in that year.


The members of the Association shall be comprised of those persons who are 18 years of age or older and whose dues are current. One membership shall be open to  (1) any person or business entity holding a lease of record (singly or jointly) on Navarre Beach, (2) the spouse of such person, (3) any adult individual who has been a resident of Navarre Beach for more than sixty days, (4) any corporation, business partnership, or sole proprietorship maintaining business premises on Navarre Beach.  Each corporate or business entity shall have one vote.


Any applicant satisfying the qualifications of membership may become a member of the Association in good standing by the payment of annual dues.  Annual dues shall be an amount determined by the membership and are due on 1 January of each year or upon admission to active membership.  Dues shall become delinquent on 1 February of that fiscal year, and 30 days in arrears of delinquency shall constitute grounds for removal from the membership roll.  Members in arrears will receive a notice in their February newsletter and be given until 1 March to pay dues.  Failure to pay will result in removal from the membership roll.

The dues for membership shall be established by the membership no later than 1 October of the fiscal year for the next fiscal year.  Dues shall be collected by the treasurer of the Association throughout the calendar year except that no membership for the current year shall be sold within sixty days prior to the regularly scheduled annual election of officers.


Any membership may be revoked for just cause after a hearing by and unanimous vote of the Board of Directors followed by membership present at a regularly scheduled meeting.  Members whose dues are in arrears on March 1 (see ARTICLE IV) will be automatically removed from the rolls at that time.


At  Regular Association or Board of Directors meetings, all motions shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present except as otherwise provided herein.  In the event of a tie vote, the presiding officer shall cast the deciding vote.  Each member shall have one vote.  The membership rolls shall be used to validate any challenged vote.


At the September meeting of the Association a nominating committee consisting of a minimum of three members, none of whom currently serve on the board, shall be nominated and accepted by a majority of the members present.  At the October meeting the committee shall present a slate of officers (one candidate for each office) for the next calendar year.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the October meeting.  To be eligible for office, a candidate must have been a member for at least one year prior to the date of elections.  Officers shall serve for one calendar year and be eligible for reelection except the President who shall be eligible to serve only two consecutive terms.

Elections will be held at the November meeting for a term beginning the following January 1.  To be eligible to vote in the annual elections, membership dues must have been paid at least sixty days prior to the election.   Election will be by secret ballot except where there is only one nominee for an office; vote may be viva voce in this instance.  Officers shall be elected by receiving a majority of the total votes cast.  If no one receives a majority of the total votes cast, a runoff will be held at the same meeting between the two receiving the most votes.  If there is  a tie vote the tie will be resolved by a flip of a coin.


No officer or member shall receive any emolument whatever from the Association.


The Board of Directors shall be composed of all currently elected officers and the immediate past president.  Officers shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.  The past president serves in the position of Director.  At Board meetings each member shall have a vote; a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.  The Board of Directors may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct and timing of their meetings, and the management of affairs of the Association, as they deem proper and which are not inconsistent with these by-laws. Officers shall be expected to attend a majority of Board and Association meetings.  A member of the Board failing to attend three consecutive board meetings without excuse may be removed from office upon recommendation of the Board and by a majority vote of the other members at a regular association meeting.


The President shall (1) prepare each meeting agenda, (2) preside over meetings, (3) call special meetings as necessary, (4) appoint members to fill any vacated offices until an election can be held, (5) appoint all committees except the nominating committee, (6) be ex officio, a member of all committees except the nominating committee, (7) personally attend or designate an appropriate  representative to attend governmental proceedings or other activities directly or potentially affecting the objectives of the Association, (8) supervise the affairs of the Association in conformity with the Charter and By-Laws and the objectives of the Association, (9) be responsible for the issuance of a newsletter of the Association outlining matters of interest as outlined in Article XIV.

The Vice-President shall serve in place of the President when the latter is unable to serve.  The Vice-President may be assigned other duties by the President.

The Secretary shall (1) take minutes of each Board and Association meeting and prepare the minutes of the Association meetings for publication in the Association Newsletter for approval at the following meeting; (2) keep files of all official correspondence and historical papers; (3) prepare and disseminate all official correspondence of the Association at the direction of the President.

The Treasurer shall (1) maintain permanent records of the names and addresses of members; and (2) record the amount and source of all money received and the amount and purpose of all expenditures.  All disbursements shall be made only by check as directed by the president, except that expenditures in excess of $100 and any donations must be approved by the membership.  At each regular meeting, the Treasurer shall report (1) the number of new members and the total membership, (2) all financial transactions since the last report, and (3) the balances in the treasury.


An annual report of the Association will be submitted by the Treasurer to the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations as required by the State.


So far as practical, a preannounced general membership meeting shall be held once each month at a time and place which shall be changed only for the most compelling reasons.   Notice of the time and place of the meeting shall be included in the newsletter.  The presence of at least 15 members plus any two officers shall  constitute a quorum.  Decisions requiring vote shall follow the general practice outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised Edition.  As the President deems necessary Board of Directors meeting may be called for the purpose of program planning, preparation of agenda for the next meeting, or to address issues affecting the Association’s purpose and objectives.

Campaigning by any political aspirant is not allowed within the meeting room during NBLRA Meetings.


Committees of the Association may be formed as necessary by the president (See Article IX).  Examples of committees may include Membership and Governmental Affairs.


An Association newsletter shall be issued monthly to be received locally (as a goal) at least 10 days before the regularly scheduled meeting.  The newsletter shall contain the minutes of the previous meeting, a schedule of the current year meeting dates and times, and a list of the names and telephone numbers of the Board and any Committee chairpersons.  The December, January, and February issues shall remind members that dues are payable in January, that membership will cease if dues are not received  before March 1, and they will not receive the newsletter after the February issue until membership is reinstated by payment of dues.


These Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.  A notice of proposal to alter or amend the bylaws in whole or in part shall be included in the Newsletter at least two months prior to the vote.  The proposed amendments shall be sent to each member at least one month prior to voting.  This may be accomplished via the newsletter or by a special mailing.